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Hours, Admissions, Directions

Dates and Hours of Operations

May 23 through October 12, 2025
Open Saturday and Sundays, 10 am to 5 pm

*Weekday visits by appointment only, if able to accommodate. Please call 802-505-8592 to schedule. 


Free Admissions
Donations Accepted and Appreciated


Chester Arthur State Historic Site
4588 Chester Arthur Rd.
Fairfield, VT 05455

To reach the site from the west, take Route 36 from St. Albans and travel approximately seven miles to Fairfield. At the small village of Fairfield, head north and bear right after approximately one mile and then continue five miles to the Historic Site. The road will turn to gravel.

To reach the site from the east, take Route 108 and approximately 4 miles from either Bakersfield or Enosburg go west on a gravel road approximately two miles to the Historic Site.   Map it!


  • Picnicking
  • Walking and Hiking Trails
  • NO Restroom Facilities


  • Pets are permitted on the grounds and trails
  • Pets are not permitted in the building except for Service Dogs
  • Pets must be on a leash
  • Please pick up after your pet


  • Parking is available across Chester Arthur Road
  • Accessible Parking in front of property at sign

Contact Us:
Phone: (802) 933-8362 during hours the site is open.  At all other times call: (802) 828-3051

Or write: Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, Attention: Historic Sites Chief, One National Life Drive, 6th Floor, Montpelier, VT 05620-1201