On this walk, Michael Caduto will share Colonial and Native American folklore and knowledge concerning the uses of wild plants for food, medicine, and materials, as well as identifying poisonous plants to avoid. We’ll taste some delectables in the field and sample a mystery wild treat.
Michael Caduto—well known as co-author of the Keepers of the Earth series—has written and taught extensively on herbalism and has studied the uses of plants among the indigenous peoples of the Northeast. His other books include Native American Gardening and Everyday Herbs in Spiritual Life.
Walk includes stories and the sampling of plants in the field, as well as a prepared wild edible. Pre-registration required.
Fee: Adults $15 (children under 15, free)
For more information or to register, visit morrillhomestead.org, or call (802) 765-4288,
This is a program of the Friends of the Morrill Homestead.